Monday, 18 November 2013

Stop It! Now or Never

Domestic Violence

A girl tortured for dowry if it is not given from her house, a school-going boy beaten by his father, a eighty- year old man killed due to property dispute, a wife being harassed by her husband… this is all we hear and see nowadays. If we switch on our TV or read newspapers, we come across news related to domestic violence. There are some cases which we are even unaware of, which goes unreported every day. We often knowingly or unknowingly indulge in such nuisance or we witness in our neighborhood- but we don’t take a single step to stop it. Domestic violence happens just because people don’t have power over their anger; they don’t know what they are actually doing, whether is it right or wrong. In order to control their anger, many online anger management classes are there to help them.

To put an end to it, many Domestic Violence Online Programs have been started by the online anger management specialists. These programs make people aware about domestic violence, its effects and remedy for it.

Some of Them are Given Below :

We just can’t sit back and relax and let our peacefulness dissolve in the air, if we find any domestic violence around us. It’s time you raise your voice and fight against it.

According to the recent surveys, crime against women and girls is rapidly increasing. In every three minutes, a crime has been recorded against them, every sixty minutes two women are raped. So learn the art of how to deal with women, give them the due respect they deserve and let happiness prevail in your life.

You get to know about ways how to heal the fissures in your relationship, tolerate your partner, gel well with your siblings, get along well with parents.

These are just some steps. These programs make people aware about the methods and remedies in order to reduce the problems that they face on the personal front!