Sunday, 29 March 2015

Importance of Stress Management

Stress management Los Angeles is important because stress can have dramatic impact on your health.

1. Difficult to Control Emotions

People under stress find it difficult to have a handle on their emotions and can very easily and quickly lose their cool. Even mild levels of stress can make one lose their ability to have a grip over their feelings. Attending stress management classes can help one to learn the techniques of being able to calm themselves.

2. Cause Diseases

Cancer, lung disease, fatal accidents and suicide are often linked with stress. Some of us are prone to certain diseases, and stress seems to be the trigger point that gives these conditions the green light.

3. Affects the Heart

Heart muscles can be physically damaged due to stress. This is because the hormones tend to increase the heart rate and the blood vessels get constricted forcing the heart to work harder, thus increasing the blood pressure.

4. You Can Become Fat

People under stress resorts to binge eating because they think food can cure them. But that is a false notion. What can happen and does happen is that one tends to become overweight.

5. You Can Look Old

Chronic stress is a major contributor to premature aging and can make one look older than his or her original age.

6. Immune System Becomes Weak

Most of us underestimate the connection between mind and body. Stress is so demanding on the body that one's immune system suffers and make the person vulnerable to infections and cold.

Due to all these reasons and more, stress management Los Angeles is absolutely necessary. It helps one maintain their overall health and hope for a long and productive life. Meditation, getting adequate sleep and exercise can be great ways to manage and reduce stress.

1 comment:

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