Wednesday, 16 December 2015

7 Signs That You Are another Victim of Domestic Violence

‘Domestic violence’ is a very broad term that includes much more than just the physical abuse. But thanks low numbers of good online domestic violence classes and even lesser awareness, many women are made to believe that they are not a victim of domestic violence like other millions, when in fact the truth is totally the opposite. 

court ordered domestic violence classes

So here are some signs to know that you are also a fallen victim of domestic violence and that you desperately need online domestic violence classes- 

1.       Physical abuse- Physical abuse is an obvious sign of domestic violence, but misconceptions exist even here. Victims judge the severity of abuse before calling themselves as ‘victims’. Hitting, kicking, choking counts as domestic violence; but it also includes even the slightest of push or touch in aggressive manner.

2.  Economic restrictions- If one partner restricts the other partner economically or financially- it is domestic violence. Period. Restriction can come in many ways, like preventing the partner from any paid employment, taking their money without their permission or consent, and not giving them enough of money to run the house and family.

3.     Excessive intrusion- Even in relationships, individual partners requires a necessary amount of space. And when constant intrusion or bothering even for small things becomes excessive or extreme, it is rightly categorized as domestic violence.

4.     Accusation- Accusation of cheating and disloyalty is a very common pattern that has been seen in the victims’ cases. These accusations are simply made of imagination, and more often than not lead to either physical or economic abuse. 

5.       Unwanted sex- This, as well, is very common among all the victims. One partner disregards the choice of other and indulges in unwanted sex. This often is termed (or leads to) martial sex, which has its own complexities in the law books.

6.     Verbal threatening- Many people argue against verbal abuse as a kind of domestic violence; but verbal abuse with threatening and intimidating arguments are undoubtedly a violence, which as seen in many past cases, can lead to horrific consequences.

7.    Psychological abuse- Some people go out of their ways to cause severe psychological harm to their partners. It includes isolating them, lowering their self-esteem or self-worth, controlling their every move, stalking them and more. 

So if you experience or see any of the above mentioned signs in your relationship, you need to head for online domestic violence classes.

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