Monday, 16 May 2016

Best 7 Ways How You Can Beat Anger

Though anger is a very common and healthy emotion, it can turn out to be really dangerous if not checked in time. Uncontrolled anger can jeopardise both your health and your relationship with others. Feeling concerned? Here you can check out some of the easy ways to tame your temper before taking an anger class online.

Anger Management Counseling

Breathe in and out

The easiest way to calm down your mind is to breathe slowly. Take more time to breathe out than you breathe in and try to relax your body while you repeat this. According to experts, anger makes us breathe in longer than breathe out. The trick is to do the opposite and help appease the mind so that you can think clearly. This has often been advised in anger management counselling programmes where the first step to tame anger is taught as breathing slowly. 

Think before you speak

In the spur of the moment, we often say things that we regret later. So take a few moments to collect yourself and your thoughts before blurting out anything. This will also allow others to do the same, especially those who are involved in the matter. 

Identify your anger signs

There are different mental and physical reactions that denote your anger, But once you recognise some of them, you are likely to control them better. A few possible signs are as follows-

Ø  Physical symptoms: 

1.       Increased heartbeat with rapid breathing
2.       Grinding teeth and clenching of the jaw
3.       Trembling, sweaty palms

Ø  Mental symptoms:

1.       To try to escape the situation
2.       Irritation
3.       Feeling depressed
4.       Anxiety and fear

Keep calm and express your thoughts

Once you determine the symptoms of your anger and feel calm, you start thinking clearly. Now assert your thoughts and concerns in a positive way with a clear and direct approach without hurting the feelings of others. 

Do exercise

Stress is the biggest threat to anger. So get some physical activities to reduce the built-up stress and strain in your body. While a brisk walk or getting involved in an enjoyable activity can calm down your nerves temporarily, the regular practice of running, swimming, meditation and yoga can impart numerous benefits to you that last longer. 

Take time out for yourself

When the work pressure seems too stressful to manage, take some short breaks in between the times of the day. Taking a few minutes out from your schedule can help you combat the stress and make you prepared for handling what is coming ahead without being angry or irritated.  

Enrol in anger management programmes

If all of the above mentioned techniques do not work, you need to take help of the professionals. There are various online establishments that offer several counselling schemes and anger management course online for a certain period of time.

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