Thursday, 8 September 2016

Anger Management in the Workplace Helps to Keep the Lid on Emotions

Everybody has experienced "those" situations at work. You know...where the boss goes on piling more work even after you're already overloaded, a project suddenly gets cancelled after all the hours and hard work you've put into it, a co-worker-turned-friend gets laid off suddenly, you have been expecting a promotion but someone else gets it instead of you...these situations are a part and parcel of work life!

In a personal capacity, if something like happens you might just start yelling or hide yourself to stay cut off from the rest. But at work, you cannot do any of those! If you shout at your boss, you might lose your job. 

Even if you talk back at your TL or senior, you are going to have a bad mark on your professional reputation. 

Department layoffs, budget cuts, changes in the managerial level and such things can cause extreme stress in the workplace and might even make you angry. But you simply cannot react anyhow you choose to! This makes anger management in the workplace extremely crucial. 

Letting anger decrease your productivity at work or worse, you losing your job over that one fleeting moment of rage is detrimental to your career. What should you do instead?

Do not immediately react. Think and evaluate the situation.
Try to think about something positive from the whole situation.
Let your grievances be known in a calm and thought-out manner.
If you feel the current work scenario is making you frustrated, then start applying elsewhere while not letting anyone know.
Build healthy relations with co-workers.
Chant to yourself, "its only work".

Sign up for workplace anger management if you feel that you cannot handle it on your own because letting all the pressures and stresses of work affect your personal life is simply not an option. You cannot bring all the pent up rage home and shout at your spouse or children! Online classes are available that will guide you on how to keep a cap on your emotions.

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